Applying to UK Universities for Malaysian Students: The Ultimate to UCAS

Looking to study in the UK? Here, we detail the entire application process below, including resources, tips and guides to crafting your personal statement. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey.

Why the UK?

This can be highly personal. Afterall, this could mean being haunted by stuent debt for quite some years even after graduating.

UK education could serve as a stepping stone to employability overseas and big, global companies beyond our shores. Personally, it was the quality of a world-class education with universities like LSE and UCL, coupled with the wide array of employment opportunities abroad and in big cities like London. But alas, the latter doesn’t come as a given, this is important to remember. In competitive industries, it will depend on the class of your degree, your work experience, internships, the strength of your CV etc.

What is UCAS: Starting from the basics

Does UCAS sound unfamiliar to you? Simply put, it is the common application platform that allows you to apply up to 5 UK universities (per submission). Applying to most UK universities takes place through UCAS and UCAS only, with a handful of universities allowing direct applications.

The components include:

  • Personal information, which doesn’t take too long to fill
  • Self-reporting grades which you are required to achieve, if not yet, and prove after accepting your offer(s)
  • Personal statement (the crux of your application, apart from your grades)
  • Reference letter

Personal Statement

The personal statement has a limit of 4000 characters or 47 lines. It is meant to provide an opportunity for you to differentiate yourself from the other applicants and let your passion and personal voice shine.

Since UCAS standardadises the process to ease the application process, the personal statement you submit reaches all 5 universities at once. As such, it is highly discouraged for anyone to apply for distinctly different courses, for example: Mathematics in 4 universities and History in the last one or Fine Art in 2 and Finance in the other 3.

When is it too early start (and other deadlines)?

It’s never too early to start (duh) as most students would be applying while working through your last year in high school or college. Deadlines for applications to Oxbridge (Oxford + Cambridge), Medicine, Vetinary and Dentistry courses are due on the 15th of October each year. All else has to be submitted by 15th January each year.

Do take into account the time needed for your teacher to write your reference letter, especially if they are unfamiliar with the UCAS application process.

A list of helpful articles on structuring, organising and writing your personal statement.

Requesting for a reference letter

If this is the first time requesting for one and you’re interested in graduate school, it most certainly won’t be your last. At this point, you would recognise the importance of establishing a relationship with your teachers and allowing them to understand your academic passions and disposition.

TIP 1: If there were things you couldn’t make space for in your personal statement, ask for them to be included in the reference letter. Communicate with your teacher, provide them with a list of activities and commitments (extra-curricular or academic) that you have participated throughtout the years.

TIP 2: Attempt to approach someone who knows you best, and preferably for the longest, at school. Someone who would happily vouch for your capabilities.

Choosing your universities: A checklist

After narrowing down the subject area of interest, compile a list of universities that interest you at first glance. Now, rank your priorities: world ranking, global or UK employability, cost of living etc. A smaller fraction of your could include clubs and societies, student satisfaction, lecturer to student ratio, alumnae network and more.

Most universities offer a range of similar degrees under the same subject area. Should it be Politics and History, Politics and Philosophy or Politics and International Relations? No, wait, there’s more! Politics and Economics, Politics and Law. How does one even choose?

It can be overwhelming at times. So take your time to browse through and the courses offered by each university. Check if you fulfill the minimum requirements of the universities.

TIP: If you are having a hard time deciding between two very similar degrees, compare the two and the differences in the modules offered.

Most universities have UEC and STPM grade requirements (under general requirements by country) apart from listing A-level and IB requirements so do not worry about having to translate the latter grades to its equivalent in the local education system on your own.

NOTE: Oxbridge, however, does not accept UEC grades.

What next? After submitting your application.

You will be directed to Track where you will be informed after you complete the payment stage. Although you’ll be tempted to, try your best not to check it every second. You will be emailed an acknowledgment letter after a university has received your application.

For popular universities and courses, expect the university to reply earliest in late November or December, if you have submitted before the Oxbridge deadline.

Do take note of the necessary admission tests needed. For law, this means the LNAT (University of Birmingham does not require the LNAT); Medicine, BMAT or UCAT; Oxbridge has their own set of subject tests in place for certain courses, before interview are offered. You would have to pay for the tests and study independently.

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