Full Scholarships for Malaysians Studying Abroad

At the undergraduate level, UK universities are less generous with scholarships while top US universities dish them out more on a need-based basis. For some, the availability of scholarships can be a huge factor that decides where their next destination would be.

Since there is a wider range of scholarships to many countries at graduate level, we will be listing scholarships by foundations or organisations that pay for your full tuition fees only for undergraduate studies.

Kuok Foundation Berhad: Scholarships to local public universities, Singaporean public universities and selective UK universities

With no service bonds, scholarships typically include stipends. The UK universities under consideration are:

  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Oxford
  • Imperial College London
  • University College London
  • London School of Economic and Political Science
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • King’s College London

Monbukagakusho: MEXT Scholarship by the Japanese Government

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Image by agathemarty on Unsplash

Deadlines close even before you are ready to submit university applications for the second half of your last year in high school so prepare early during your penultimate year. The scholarship includes the cost of studying the Japanese language in Japan before your official undergraduate studies begin.

Global Korea Scholarships (GKSP) by the Korean Government

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Image by yokeboy on Unsplash

Similar to MEXT with a year of sponsored language classes, the Korean Government has full scholarships for students interested in studying in Korea. There are more reasonable deadlines for the GKSP in early October.

Chinese Scholarship Council Scholarships by the Chinese Government

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Image by zizhangcheng on Unsplash

There are a wide range of more than 200 universities to choose from include Tsinghua, Peking and Shanghai Jiaotong university. For Chinese universities that do not offer Chinese language courses, you might need to demonstrate your Chinese capabilities through the HSK before submitting the application, unlike MEXT or the GSKP.

Lester B. Pearson Scholarship by the University of Toronto

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This is one of the (rare and full) scholarships directly offered by a top university. You would need to receive a nomination from your school and since only one nomination from each school can be sent in each year, your overall performance would have to be nothing less than outstanding. Nevertheless, it is something worth looking into.

Bank Negara Malaysia Scholarship

Planning to apply to top universities in the USA, UK and Australia? From UC Berkeley to the University of Warwick and the University of Melbourne, BNM offers full scholarships to students who have scored an offer to study in top universities, extending far beyond the Ivy Leagues and Oxbridge. Although the major/courses of choice remain highly restrictive, the great range of choices of universities makes this scholarship equally as appealing.

Petronas Education Sponsorship Programme

Unlike the BNM Scholarship, Petronas has a wider list of majors/courses for students to choose from, including Sociology and Mathematics which courses that are less likely to be found in local institutions.

Genting Malaysia Scholarship Award

Genting Malaysia offers scholarships to not 5 or 20 but 100 universities overseas! The QS Top 100 Universities by Subject Ranking. The fields of study are geared towards Econs and Finance as well as Hospitality and Management.

Explore more scholarship opportunities worldwide from undergrad studies on here.

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