Applying to Universities Abroad

Full Scholarships for Malaysians Studying Abroad

At the undergraduate level, UK universities are less generous with scholarships while top US universities dish them out more on a need-based basis. For some, the availability of scholarships can be a huge factor that decides where their next destination would be. Since there is a wider range of scholarships to many countries at graduate…

A to Z: UK University Application Resource Bank

A dictionary of resources that could aid you in the UCAS process A Alumnae: Approaching Malaysian (or Singaporean) alumnae or current students via social media for advice. I’m sure they would be more than happy to answer your questions. F Facebook groups: After being given an offer, you could flock to Facebook to check for…

Applying to UK Universities for Malaysian Students: The Ultimate to UCAS

Looking to study in the UK? Here, we detail the entire application process below, including resources, tips and guides to crafting your personal statement. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey. Why the UK? This can be highly personal. Afterall, this could mean being haunted by stuent debt for quite some years even…